Hi, I’m Lex!

Lex [noun]

A semi delightful, painfully neurodivergent human with a penchant for the simple joys in life: Reading, and eating Fig Newtons (not sponsored… unless). Reading allows me to escape the bleak reality we’ve inherited from our ancestors, and Fig Newtons allow me to escape the profound grieving that comes when I finish a real good story.

To me, there is no problem in this world that a good spreadsheet can’t fix (except for the crushing weight of stress caused by student loans and the feeling I’ll never retire).

I am currently living in Tokyo Japan, on Yokota Air Force Base as a military spouse and maintaining professional credentials while living overseas has been enough of a headache to make me a hashtag iservetoo girly.

Here for the she, theys, gays, and the neurospicy entrepreneurs. Your identity is a safe space with me. Studio Vella is a love letter to business owners who wish they could opt out of rise and grind culture and feel allowed to place their humanity ahead of their ability to produce and create capital.

I was put on this planet to maliciously comply with the rules of capitalism and it brings me an unwavering sense of joy. Whether it’s getting married for grant money to go to college, being sent to collections over $9.99, or role playing as a landlord or supervisor for my friends who are also just trying to make it through, I’m here for you and your business too, but we are gonna have a fun -against-the-grain- time doing it.